Top 6 Asked Neuroscience Syringe Questions

Our Experts’ Answers to Frequent Questions from the Neuroscience 2018 Conference


What syringe do you recommend for rat and mouse injections?


By far our most popular syringe for rat and mouse injections is the Neuros line of syringes. It combines the smallest syringe volume of 0.5 μL with:

Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to download the Neuros Syringe Datasheet.

Q 2

Will the Neuros syringe fit into my stereotaxic injector?

A 2

Though the Neuros syringes look very long, they are exactly the same length as the standard Hamilton 7000 series syringes.

Most stereotaxic frames and infusion pumps have been designed with compatibility to the 7000 series syringe so compatibility should not be an issue. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to download the Neuros Syringe Datasheet.

Q 3

I use PE tubing in my injection setup. Why is Hamilton recommending PEEK?

A 3

PEEK tubing is recommended for injections because it has an extremely small dead volume and because it has a thick wall designed to handle high pressures.

Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to download the Pulled Glass and PEEK Tubing Datasheet.

Q 4

What are your recommendations to prolong syringe life?

A 4

Are you having problems with clogged needles and sticking plungers? Hamilton recommends a three step cleaning process.


First, Rinse with a Solution Known to Solubilize Your Sample

Since the sample is often protein or DNA based stay away from organicsolvents that can precipitate these samples resulting in a clog.

Second, Flush with DI Water


Finally, Rinse with Acetone

This final rinse ensures the syringe dries quickly for storage.

Hamilton offers a Cleaning Solution Concentrate (P/N 18311) that is ideal for Step 1 and can be found on the website. Also, a complete care and use guide can be downloaded by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

Q 5

What can I do about plunger freezing in my 7000 series and Neuros syringes?

A 5

Often, a plunger freezing in the 7000 series syringe indicates that the syringe was not properly cleaned for storage. The most common mistake is doing a final rinse with deionized water. The proper cleaning procedure is the following 3 step process:

Q 6

What is the smallest gauge needle that Hamilton offers?

A 6

Hamilton has needles available from 10 gauge down to 34 gauge. We have evaluated going smaller, but have found that needle clogging becomes too great of an issue with stainless steel needles smaller than 34 gauge.


Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to download the Syringe and Needle Reference Guide to learn about all of Hamilton’s available gauge sizes or the Glass Needles and PEEK Tubing Connectors Datasheet to learn more about pulled glass micropipettes.

Have More Questions?

Fill out the form and download the following resources to add to your library:

  • Neuros Syringe Datasheet
  • Pulled Glass and PEEK Tubing Datasheet
  • Syringe Care and Use Guide
  • Syringes and Needles Reference Guide

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